Weekend of Vids
Future generations may call it a DVD session, but to me they are still vids. And I’ve watched quite a lot this weekend.
On Saturday, I went around to Dan’s; he’d plugged his stereo in and projected the image on a wall, which worked well. We watched some Frazier, which I haven’t seen for ages; it was good, the dialogue was fast and furious; sadly, for the authors, perhaps, the funniest thing was Daphne’s old boyfriend, and his unfortunate attempt at an English accent. Only Dick Van Dyce ever said "lov-er-ly". After that, we watched Serenity. The cinematograph was good to watch, some reasonable fight scences and lots of very beautiful actors; ultimately, though, I didn’t care about any of them.
The stand out vid, though, was today; I watched Sleepy Hollow. I didn’t know it was a re-working of a fairy tale, Great film: Tim Burton’s visuals were stunning, Miranda Richardson was outrageously evil and Johnny Depp’s cheekbones were incisive as always.
Originally published on my old blog site.