Over the last couple of days, I have moved the host machine for this blog; many thanks to Dan Swan who provided me with pro bono hosting since I moved to Wordpress in 2009 (n.d.a/) As far as I can tell at the moment (assuming I do not discover anything broken), the move has gone very seamlessly. The only tricky bit is testing the new site — the solution here is to fiddle with /etc/hosts to point the test client at the new site, without having to change the DNS. When I do change the DNS, everything should be ready.

I have taken the opportunity to do some house-keeping at the same time, as I could this out on the new, non-live version. The riskiest thing that I have done is to move the permalink structure to a semantics-free version. I have tried this before with variable success (n.d.b) This time, Wordpress appears to be behaving like a good citizen; the old permalinks are still working, but now forward to the semantics-free versions. If it all works, this will clearly have been a good thing to do. So fingers crossed.


  • if you are reading this, then it has all worked.